Karla Schlaepfer M.A.

Portrait of Karla Schlaepfer

ICF (PCC) executive leadership coach, HPI Design Thinker and agile team coach

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Selected Experience

2023Leadership Choices – Executive Leadership Coach
2022Coach Hub Digital Executive Business Coach
2022VR Facilitator @Digital Education + Experience Program DEEP Luther
2021Haufe Executive and Team Coach
2020Facilitator @University of Bonn Agile Coaching + Leaders´Team Development
2018Team Coach @Telekom- CEO Team Leadership Skills for the Future
2017Head of Learning + Development @Design Thinking Academy


Karla Schlaepfer M.A. is an optimistic person, an ICF (PCC) executive leadership coach, HPI Design Thinker and agile team coach. She brings a wealth of interdisciplinary expertise, skills, and reflection collected over 25 working years to her coaching and facilitation. Karla is driven by her passion for innovative co-creation. She has co-written business books, published articles, learning content, and is an active blogger with 180+ posts on her website DesignChange.

Karla’s intercultural competencies are high; she is USA-born, UC Berkeley graduate, now living and working in Germany. She has founded 2 start-ups and served business enterprises in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, USA, and Great Britain. Karla has worked in the automotive, educational, energy, financial, legal, retail, telecommunications and tech sectors.

She feels strongly about growing professionally through training and skills enhancement. At International Coaching Federation (ICF) Germany Chapter, she’s a volunteer in the Virtual Education cohort.

Karla embodies a growth mindset and has a strong drive to learn and share. She is fascinated by new and developing technology. Especially technology that supports the uniqueness of human beings.

Her latest enthusiasm is Virtual Reality (VR). She sees strong potential in the VR feeling of “presence” and the way this can be harnessed for holistic learning compelling and useful in soft skills facilitation.

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